Greg Jemmeson, Managing Director

Greg Jemmeson, Managing Director

Greg Jemmeson



As JemmesonFisher’s legal director, Greg manages the firm’s legal department and oversees all legal matters. Greg is a specialised real estate legal practitioner. Prior to practicing as a solicitor, he headed up the Real Estate compliance area within Fair Trading. He has been involved in the Real Estate sector since 1990.

Greg works closely with recognised industry trainers such as Josh Phegan, Lee Woodward and Tom Panos. The legal arm under Greg’s guidance, act as advisers to industry bodies, franchise groups and advisory board.

He is regularly sought after as a key note speaker at industry conferences.

  • Sale, mergers and acquisition of businesses

  • Sale and acquisition of rent rolls

  • Company structuring

  • Asset protection

  • Estate planning

  • Licensing and employment issues

  • Regulatory Compliance

  • Franchising



  • Diploma of Law (LPAB)

  • Associate Diploma in Criminal Justice

  • Graduate Certificate in Business Administration


  • Member, The Law Society of NSW

  • Member, Law Institute of Victoria

  • Member, The Queensland Law Society

  • Member, Real Estate Institute of NSW

  • Admitted to the High Court of Australia and the Supreme Court NSW

Lisa Jemmeson, Head of Litigation

Lisa Jemmeson, Head of Litigation

Lisa Jemmeson

legal partner


Lisa is the partner steering the busy litigation department and oversees the management of a wide variety of litigated matters each year.

Lisa has been a part of the real estate industry since 1993 and brings a unique perspective to litigated disputes. Lisa has owned and operated several successful real estate agencies . Lisa has vocational training qualifications whereby she has facilitated and assessed competency units of the real estate licensing qualification. Lisa has delivered various key-note speeches to the property industry over the years and regularly pops up in training videos of industry RTO’s.

Lisa has a Masters of Law, majoring in Commercial Litigation, and is a fierce defender of her clients rights. Renowned for a “no-nonsense” and “commercial” approach to litigation. Lisa is a trusted advisor to many in the real estate industry.

  • Employment law, restraints of trade and independent contractor agreements

  • Shareholder/oppression proceedings

  • Defended Insurance disputes

  • Defending regulatory action (Fair Trading, ACCC and Consumer affairs)

  • Contract claims and indemnity

  • Negligence actions

  • Staff fraud

  • Franchising disputes

  • Commission recovery actions



  • Master of Laws (Applied Law) (Maj. Commercial Litigation)

    Memberships and Associations

  • Member, The Queensland Law Society

  • Member, The Law Society of NSW

  • Member, Real Estate Institute of NSW